When someone think about a bento, they may picture a adorably cute lunch box with a million side dishes, full of colorful rainbows and sunshines, and rice shaped into characters of your favorite animal or cartoon. To be quite frank, it actually does not have to be like that. In fact, it shouldn't unless the bento is specifically made for a loved one (or loved ones) on a special occasion. That being said, if you're like me who is a fairly average person, then you do not need to put so much effort into your lunch. You actually do not need a fancy box to put it in either. The key here is to make "bento" with the intention of your (or your loved one's) health behind it. It should be full of home-cooked, nutritious, and easy to make side dishes. Efficiency is Key Here is a recent photo of one of my bento lunches on a vegetarian weekday. Now, you may be thinking that it looks time consuming for the average busy person's home cooked lunch, but it is actu...
Sharing true authenticity and vulnerabilities through stories and food!